Alchemy of Coffee: 39 Coffee Drinks from around the World

Inspired by a “tea & coffee” drink called Yuan Yang, a popular coffee drink from Hong Kong, SweeTooth Design team started researching in depth about famous coffee recipes from around the world. Through their latest design, “ALCHEMY OF COFFEE”, it introduces 39 tasty coffee recipes through a fun “family-tree-like-diagram” to let coffee lovers explore and discover new coffee drinks.

Alchemy of Coffee: 39 Coffee Drinks from around the World Art + Graphics
Alchemy of Coffee: 39 Coffee Drinks from around the World Art + Graphics

Alchemy of Coffee: 39 Coffee Drinks from around the World Art + Graphics
Alchemy of Coffee: 39 Coffee Drinks from around the World Art + Graphics
Alchemy of Coffee: 39 Coffee Drinks from around the World Art + Graphics

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