Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid

Why not add color to the pedestrian-crossings? Such was the idea of the artist Christo Bulgarian Guelov who had fun bringing a little color on those crosswalks that are often synonymous with dangerous places, such as in Vietnam. Now, motorists will be more alert to the approach of this corridor for pedestrians. We had seen him with another artist who lighted crosswalks when you walked on it.

It is in Madrid that the artist produced his works under the assumption that the crosswalk is like a bridge between two shores. These spaces are fully colored to mark the area to be observed.

Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics

Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics
Amazing Colored Crosswalks in Madrid Art + Graphics

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