Surrealistic and Colorful Compositions of Daily Objects by Paul Fuentes

Mexican designer Paul Fuentes imagines creative, colorful and surrealistic compositions by twisting daily objects from their ordinary use by offering them a new one. A lime slice became a vinyl record, a sausage a boxed bag or a piece of cheese a skateboard ramp. Creativity at its best! :)

Surrealistic and Colorful Compositions of Daily Objects by Paul Fuentes Art + Graphics
Surrealistic and Colorful Compositions of Daily Objects by Paul Fuentes Art + Graphics

Surrealistic and Colorful Compositions of Daily Objects by Paul Fuentes Art + Graphics
Surrealistic and Colorful Compositions of Daily Objects by Paul Fuentes Art + Graphics
Surrealistic and Colorful Compositions of Daily Objects by Paul Fuentes Art + Graphics
Surrealistic and Colorful Compositions of Daily Objects by Paul Fuentes Art + Graphics

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