Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi

Could you imagine that these sculptures are made from … bones! Yes bones! It’s the work of Maltese artist John Paul Azzopardi that puts together delicate sculptures and complex structures made from bone.

[It] is a collection of fossilized structures that explores the gentle temperance located within the constitution of sound, i.e. it’s very silent center. The architectural relationship that oscillates back and forth from the simple and the complex to the living and the dead connects space and form, creating existential structures of interwoven silence. The death embedded in it’s form, it’s life. This might confront the spectator with a spectre, the simulacrum of itself that stalls, halts being something in it’s tracks.

I really don’t know if I like them or not, maybe a little too extreme for me.

Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics
Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics
Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics
Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics
Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics
Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics
Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics

Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics
Sculptures Made Of Bones By john Paul Azzopardi Art + Graphics

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  1. netdost

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