Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto

Japanese balloon twister and master Masayoshi Matsumoto makes some of the most stunning balloon sculptures ever seen. From prickly iguanas to glowing sea creatures, no life form is too difficult for Matsumoto to reproduce them using only balloons. Don’t show this to your kids :)

Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics

Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics
Amazing Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto Art + Graphics

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