California-based artist and illustrator Roger Chouinard, has created a series of illustrations made from found objects. This project is part of a picture book called “PLAYBOOK Fun with Found Objects” by the Artist and it incorporates an array of old and discarded objects.
Roger says of his work:
My illustrations usually start with a found object that I turn into an animal, robot, person or something non-representational. For some reason quite a few turn out to be birds. I never really know how they will evolve while I’m working on them, but that’s part of the fun.
AJ Irving… interesting illustration process. the objects inspire the content of the illustrations and the ensuing subject matter for text.
Yes! I follow several illustrators who do this ?
This would be a good teachers project to spur imagination .
Nadia D’Agostino Andrea Lepore Liboiron have fun with art! ;)
trop beau c est oeuvre d art