Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies

San Francisco-based artist Rebecca Szeto uses old paintbrushes to create her creative artwork. Instead of painting, she carves the ends of her used paintbrushes into refined painted renaissance ladies, and the colorful used brush hairs become the sweeping elegant fibers of their gowns.
Szeto writes:

These works play with notions of re-forming beauty and value. I use humble, end-of-life, mass-produced materials inspired by my experience as a faux finisher.

Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics

Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics
Old Paintbrushes Transformed Into Delicate Ladies Art + Graphics

More info: rebeccaszeto.com Tags:, , ,


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