The “Sugar Metropolis” project is a large collaborative installation created by sculptors Brendan Jamison and Mark Revels. Back in October 2013 Jamison and Revels invited every visitor to the Ulster Museum in Belfast to participate in the creation of this large-scale sugar cube sculpture installation, enclosed within its own room as part of the RUA Annual Exhibition. Now, with the help of No Longer Empty, they’re bringing this community-engagement exhibition in the Sugar Hill district of Harlem. The project aims to celebrate the power of collaboration in art, unlocking the potential of thousands of minds working together in the realisation of an artwork beyond any one person’s singular vision.
Sugar Metropolis: An Imaginary City of the Future Built with Thousands of Sugar Cubes
11 years ago
Plus besoin de Lego…y a le sucre en carrĂ© ! ????
I’ve cut 100% of all sugar from my diet, and 100% of gasoline purchases from my budget! Bicycle is my only mode of transportation now