Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma

The creations of the artist Calvin Ma, between sculptures and art toys, made of stoneware and ceramics. Rocked by the action figures of his childhood and the stories they caused, Calvin Ma, an American artist based in San Francisco, imagines phantasmagorical creatures between personification of wooden houses and mechanical vehicles (including a nice reinterpretation of the AT-AT from Star Wars…).

Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics

Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics
Between Sculptures and Art Toys Creations by Calvin Ma Art + Graphics

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