When I think of LOVE I imagine everything white, fluffy and full of Christmas lights. Whuhh? You don’t think that’s love? FINE, LOVE is fried chicken, cozy pj’s and a ice cold coca cola. Better!
Seriously yesterday morning I woke up around 3am because this cough decided it wanted to get up and drink coffee, craft and watch tv. I can’t get rid of this darn cough y’all. If you have any home remedies please leave me a comment cause I need something that’s gonna work. So, I am up aimlessly walking around trying to figure out what I could do. I really didn’t care as long as it had to do with an upward position. It seems the “cough” only likes to act nice when I am not laying down.
I went to my studio and the first thing I saw was puffy paint. YES! I had some bottles soaking in water for another craft I was going to do but who cares, I just grabbed them.